Thursday, May 21, 2009

Seinfeld Dissing Blackberry and iPhones

Watch it to the end it's really funny !


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the video, but I think Jerry Seinfeld was so much funnier back then.

Some Kuwaitiya said...

A7laaaa shay a5ir shay, 3n when an iPhoner is mad !! hehehe 7lwa ;p

Mohammed said...

Jopiter .. you are more than welcome bro, he was and still funny . Come on don't tell me you didn't like the video ?

Some Kuwaitiya .. looooooooool yeah and it's true :p

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I agree with (Some Kuwaitiya).
a7la shay a5ir shay 3an el iphone. the rest is just blah. LOL