Wednesday, May 13, 2009

No Fry Left Behind

Nice ad from Mcdonalds.


Anonymous said...
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M&M's said...

LOOOL what a cool ads! but actually Mcdonald in q8 is much better than the one here in the US :S I know it suppose 2 b the opposite but I h8 the US MCdonald ;s

Some Kuwaitiya said...

looooooooool eksaraaaw 5a6ry elly daa5il !!
bs walla 5oosh ad !

Mohammed said...

looooool yea 7adha 3jeeba el ad ;p

M&M's .. eeeee of course the best quality is here in Kuwait :D

thank you all ;D

Anonymous said...

Hey ,, i love ur blog (y) its actually on my fravriotes list :)
Love it keep on the good work ur doing so far so good so yah GREAT JOB ..:D
p.s im actually at uni with u but have no freakin idea how u look like ! loool someday we might just meet ;p

Anonymous said...

Sorry spelling mistakes ,, im a 9a7e7ing freak =p
its favroites*****
LOOOL yah amd the video actually incouraging me to leave fries around looool those people my find it glorious =D

Cooookies said...

nice ad !

Mohammed said...

Thank you very much Anonymous, its our pleasure to have you here in the blog .. and why not, maybe we'll meet someday :)

loool I don't agree with you because you may have ants attack ;p

Mohammed said...

Cooookies .. yeah its really great :D

Anonymous said...

أحلى دعاية عندي لهم لمن واحد ياكل بطاط و جدامه حوض سمج كبير و اهما يلفون و يرقصون مع وين ما يحرك البطاطه


Mohammed said...

loool eee I remembered that 7adha 3jeeba :p