Saturday, May 16, 2009

Cinescape's Warning

Me and Mohammed recently went to the movie Angel's and Demons. Before the movie started there was a new kind of warning. They talked about copyrights which I have never seen before here in Kuwait. I quickly managed to take a picture even though they specifically said not to use any camera :x

This is what they had to say:

" It is a criminal offence to copy or attempt to copy any film, 
or film related article, shown or displayed in this cinema.

Punishment on conviction is by long term imprisonment and very heavy fine.
You are not permitted to use any camera or recording equipment in this cinema.
This will be treated as an attempt to breach copyright.

Any person doing so can be ejected and such articles may be confiscated by the police.
We ask the audience to be vigilant against any such activity and report any matters arousing suspicion to cinema staff. " 

They can start by removing the copied film's in Hawally, That would be a good start!


Some Kuwaitiya said...

Yeah I saw it too, was quite surprised to see it there !
looool it would be a good start, bs el moshkila ena they buy those films from 7awali !

Salem said...

ee hathy ilmoshkela.. Matwa8a3 ra7 y7eloon moshkelat ilcopy! Bil kuwait mako shay isma Copyright ;p

Anonymous said...

لووووول خير انشالله

اهما يصادرون اي شي بالجمارك و يسون له كوبي و يبيعونه بمحلاتهم

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