Friday, April 24, 2009

80's Commercials

One of the best commercials and the most famous in 80's, is the Pizza Italia running guy. This commercial reminds me of my childhood. Also there is "Hamburger Al-Deera" from Hardees, Ghanem Al-Saleh appears in this one.


Some Kuwaitiya said...

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Hamburgur edeera thakartny fe ayam KTV2 w KTV1, athkir ensami3 ma3ah :p

Anonymous said...

على قولتهم:


أمحق زلوف المغتر

أنا لحد الحين ضايق خلقي على الأرنب الجائع و بيتزا إيطاليا

Mohammed said...

SomeKuwaitiya .. eeeeee nfs el7ala lol "papooo ma7eb hathaaa .. kalooooh ahel eldeera" those are the most famous frames we used to repeat after this commercial :p

Momentum .. lol :p
eee wallah Hungry Bunny can 7adda 3jeeb o a7la shay enna they give us movies with the kids meal ;p