Monday, February 9, 2009

Stay Away From Hardee's

yesterday while I was eating from Hardee's I discovered something greenish on the bread .. I totally got shocked and stopped eating immediately .. I asked and showed some people about it and it turned out to be a very old piece of bread which eventually turns into a light green color! Thank god I saw it before eating the rest of the sandwich. If I ate it, it will result in A LOT of stomach problems.
After that experience I truly advice each one of you not to eat from Hardee's anymore.. Especially you Mohammed cuz you're a Hardee's addict ;p


Mohammed said...

No I'm not ;p
I just love the buffalo sauce thats all (a)
Mashallah after eating the whole sandwich you've discovered the greenish thing ;p
Man your hardees sucks, 7adhom j3oo9, the delivery costs more and now the food is bad .. 3ash hardees elman9oreya bs ;p

Mohammed said...

And why suddenly the blog is focusing on food ! ;p