Sunday, February 1, 2009

Honey in My Garden !

It sounds strange, but it's true !
While I was parking my car in the garage I noticed this beehive hanged on a tree from our garden, "el7emdellah" there were no bees out there .. To make sure that it has honey, I smashed it a little bit from the top, and you can see the honey coming out from it.


Some Kuwaitiya said...

Hey cool u have a honey maker :D
but it's kinda strange no bees were around it !

Anonymous said...

so cooool!!! hehe u shouldnt park in ur garage anymore... scarey!! what if they attack!!!

Mohammed said...

Some Kuwaitiya .. yes it is strange, but I think because of the rain they escaped ;s .. because as we know, bees can predict if there is rain or fire .. I don't know exactly ;p

Anonymous .. no I've took the beehive out of the tree, so there are no more bees around "for know" ;p

Anonymous said...

wy wy 7addik shjaa3 :$ hehe